Quality Assurance – my contribution to your success
The quality of the translation contributes significantly to the success of my clients.
For this reason, I base my services on DIN 23 45, EN 15 038 – standards that are common for the translation sector. Each translation project goes through the following steps:
Before translating, the translator studies the terminology of the source text. The document is perused once, and the following items are checked:
• subject-specific terminology determined by the reference documentation and
technical literature (e.g. comparable documents, national and international
standards, catalogues, brochures, etc.)
• company-specific terminology (e.g. internal standards, abbreviations, organization designations, etc.)
• linguistic features (e.g. inconsistencies)
Project glossary
A project glossary is created. Certain terms, e.g. organization designations, proper names and various subject-specific keywords are agreed with the customer.
Raw translation
The document is translated in a first version.
• continuance of the terminological work
• enhancement/expansion of the project glossary
• reference of relevant specific documentation
• indication of unclear text passage for the review process
• clarification of unclear text passages with the author or contact person named by the customer
• verification of linguistic correctness and completeness (orthography, grammar, etc.)
• adaptation to target group by native speaker
• verification of the project glossary
Finishing and final checking
• integration of changes and corrections from the review
• updating of the project glossary